10:44 AM Tuesday, <December 11>, <2007>
Day 3. Still going strong. Haven't been hungry. Started losing weight. Definitely started craving food, and smelling food. I wonder if food will taste better after the Master Cleanse. That'd be pretty cool. Still, can't actually wait to eat something. 7 days away. And then orange juice. And soup. Awesome. Didn't get the package with the new phone and SIM card last night, instead got it this morning. Didn't work just popping the SIM card into my unlocked RIZR, so I left it, and I'll try it tonight. Or I'll try just activating my iPhone instead. Maybe that, so I'll have something to play with. Market Track holiday party at 10pin was fun. Bowling always is. My quads always hurt afterward though. Never got very consistent with a ball or a release point. Actually, might have gotten pretty consistent with my hook, so I always nailed the 10 pin only. Got home in time to pick up some more lemons. Also watched How I Met Your Mother and Samantha Who?.