3:41 PM Friday, <November 28>, <2008>
Met a new possible friend at April and Scott's party on Wednesday night, even though I was designated driver for the night. I do think I got to meet Billie for the first time. I think anyway. Yesterday took the long trip home to Woodstock via Metra. Good thing I got there early, since it was a short train, and I had no idea how busy it gets on Thanksgiving day. I got a seat though and watched a couple episodes of Las Vegas (tv show). Slightly smaller crowd at my parents place, but food was great as always, and my mom actually got to sit at the big table. Also snuck in a quick iChat with Al and Nicole. Kitchen iMac needs better speakers, but the little iSight stand I brought works well. Also started rummaging around the basement for old stuff. Always interesting to see the stuff that's collected from long ago. Due to a misunderstanding on my part, I took the last train into the city, instead of the second to last train, and didn't get picked up by Tracy (who had to work and then went to her parents place after) downtown, and instead up on the Irving Park station. Of course I brought plenty of food back. Thanks Mom! I finished transcoding the 3rd season of How I Met Your Mother, so that's sweet. My parents are coming in on Saturday for dinner at Think Cafe. Otherwise, need to pick up the vacuum cleaner that got fixed.