1:10 PM Thursday, <January 15>, <2009>
It's cold outside. Yup. Wore the facemask today. Totally worth it. Not so much with the windchill on the way in to work this morning, just plain cold. However, my sunglasses broke, more like a screw came loose, but then I lost the temple that was no longer attached. Awesome. So I need new sunglasses. I mean, it's been over 2 years since I got the old ones. Huh, I thought it was longer. Oh, took the Purple Line and the 97 Skokie bus up to the Russells yesterday to redo their wireless network. Hopefully it holds up this time. Got a milkshake from Steak n' Shake on the way down in Sasha. Watched a couple more episodes of What I Like About You and booked our flights to Las Vegas. Staying at The Venetian, hopefully, with the entire family. Haven't been there in a while. Flipped on The 40 Year Old Virgin before bed last night. Funny stuff there.