7:07 PM Tuesday, <January 27>, <2009>
We don't have any wine at home, in either of our 2 beverage fridges, so I think until we have a supply, I'll pick up a couple bottles at Kafka on the way home from work, on Wine Mondays. Don't really drink all that much, but it'll be nice to have a stash around. Just in case we get the craving, or want to cook something that might call for it. Anyway, played some Wii Sports tennis last night, vs. the CPU, in order to increase my skill level. Had some nice rallies going on. Even lost a game. Then did some Urbanathlon training. Decided I should try and do something on the off days, and looked up some medicine ball ab workouts, which then reminded me of the Spartan Workout and floor wipers, so I'll try and do some of those too, the wipers, not the whole workout. Watched Starship Troopers while exercising, then Grey's Anatomy with dinner (french onion soup) and then an episode of United States of Tara, which is rather interesting. It's good, intriguing.