3:49 PM Wednesday, <February 18>, <2009>
Today's my dad's birthday, so a Happy Birthday to him. Yesterday, on my birthday, I got langonisa and tomatoes and eggs over rice for dinner, watched part II of the Grey's Practice/Private Anatomy giant crossover. Seriously, it's getting to be a little difficult figuring out which tv show I'm actually watching, with 4 characters jumping from one show to the other. Wow. Slightly entertaining, and odd trying to figure out how that group of doctors know each other, I think there was a college reference, but if that's true I'm surprised they all ended up as doctors if they didn't go to the same medical school or do residencies near each other. Maybe it's just a New York thing. Eh. Went out for lunch at Poag Mahone's for a belated birthday work outing. Good burger. And it's snowing again. And it's still February.