10:34 PM Monday, <March 30>, <2009>
I can't wait until Chrome comes out for Mac OS X. I just had a whole entry typed up but hit the keyboard shortcut for Search Snapback instead of submit in Safari. If I had Chrome, I could have just hit back, and my entry would still be there. Ugh. Retyping. Busy weekend. Sai Cafe on Friday night with Akira in partial repayment for Amazon Associates linkage. Good catching up. Saturday did some cleaning before heading out to Woodstock the long way via Brown Line and Metra in order to get a seat. Got some Burger King with mom for lunch. Mass and dinner at Bistro Wasabi, which meant sushi two nights in a row, and actually the restaurant participated in Earth Hour. Did some tech support for Ate Joy before settling in for a long night of dealing with SyncServices under my dad's account on the Library iMac. Airport Express that was used for a b/g network for the Kitchen iMac had a failed power supply, so I'll try and hack that back to working order for myself, and in the meantime set up the Time Capsule for as a slower n/b/g network. The TC also does a lot of rebooting, it seems under heavy loads. Tried to get Time Machine backing up, and it's working on the kitchen iMac but not the library one. But at least they're back up to speed. Sunday had family breakfast before heading back in via Metra and Brown Line. Tracy made chicken marsala for dinner and I made pasta again. I think I'm getting better, except for the cooking part. Always seem to overcook it. Watched Dollhouse, The Office, and 30 Rock.