10:42 PM Wednesday, <April 22>, <2009>
The future is now. Finally set up whole house audio. Of course, it's an Apple setup. 5 zones, Master Bedroom, Master Bath, Second Bedroom, Front and Back Deck. I've got 4 Airport Expresses, one of them is the new 802.11n one, which is on the network, and they're all plugged into a Netgear hub. Output runs to a HTD MA-1235 Multi-Channel Amplifier which powers the speakers in those 5 zones. So basically, through iTunes you pick where you want to send audio, and it just works. Right now Tracy's listing to Michael Buble from her laptop to the master bedroom speakers while I sit in the second bedroom sending Counting Crows to the in ceiling speakers. And best of all, I can use an iPhone to control it all. And use Apple TVs to control the audio as well. Seriously, it's the future, and it's now. The only problem is getting enough 802.11b coverage to use the Remote.app on the iPhone. I don't think there's any more tech stuff I need to do at home now. As for a dad update, he's doing well. Got a bit of a cough, but that's about it. So that's good. Russell dropped by after going to the Cubs game to say hello.