10:20 PM Tuesday, <July 7>, <2009>
Met up with Tracy after work today at the Ohio St. Beach Open Water Swim Clinic. I didn't actually swim, just showing up in time to see her get out of the lake, but from what I saw, swimming in the lake looks tempting. Something I might want to try. I was thinking of going to the clinic today, but I didn't think leaving work early again would be the best idea. Maybe the next time they offer it? Biked again today, without greasing up the drivetrain or attaching fenders. One of these days, I'll tinker with it in the garage again. Last night had an Irish Breakfast and a Guinness from Wilde Bar & Restaurant, and tonight had a polish sausage and kielbasa for dinner. Eating healthy, I know. Driving tomorrow for CUSL-Competitive. Think I finally have to watch Clue. Also saw that Push got released to the iTunes Store as a HD Movie for purchase. So it's sitting in the shopping cart along with The Forbidden Kingdom waiting for September.