9:53 PM Wednesday, <July 29>, <2009>
Just one more CUSL-Competitive game left next week. And then I go back into ultimate hibernation. Even though I think I've rounded into decent shape. Good thing I went grocery shopping yesterday since we had frozen pizza for dinner tonight. And that's pretty much it for the last day. Realized I should have hit up the Home Depot while I had the car today, since I don't think I'll be carrying pegboard on the bike, especially since I don't have an Xtracycle. I did see the Xtracycle that parks kitty-corner to work rolling down the street. Looks so relaxing. Someday. Someday. Otherwise feeling pretty good for Muddy Buddy on Sunday. I was worried that being sore from therapy yesterday would combine with ultimate today into an injury, but I actually warmed up and stretched, so no injury. Not sure if I'm going to bike tomorrow, since there's a rain forecast again.