3:22 PM Tuesday, <October 6>, <2009>
I guess I'm not really a bike commuter. I declined to ride in this morning because forecast called for rain all day, and I didn't want to be cold and wet at work. If it was warmer, sure. If it was dryer, of course. But I wussed out. And so far only rained bad for a little bit today. I could have totally rode to work. Ugh. I also managed to wear a too thick coat. Should have gone for the slightly thinner one. So the Bears game Sunday was fun to watch, better not knowing a single thing about it going in. Of course it'd be a whole different story if they hadn't won. Monday had leftover prime rib for dinner, Tracy braised some squash. Watched Saturday Night Live Thursday Update, the Packers/Vikings, How I Met Your Mother at half, then the rest of Packers/Vikings. Tried out ripping a bunch of DVDs then queuing them up in Handbrake. Seems to work pretty well. Plowed through 7 between last night and now. Better than the 2 at night and 1 in the morning. Also realized I have 3 iTunes Store season passes right now, Mad Men, Heroes, and Glee. Maybe next month I'll pick up Chuck. Watched Mad Men at lunch yesterday, and Glee today. I love technology.