11:04 AM Wednesday, <October 14>, <2009>
Was really really tired last night, and fell asleep on the couch. Been a little tired lately, and really need to catch up on my sleep. When Tracy works on the weekend, I get up at the same time she does, so no real sleeping in. Kind of nice because I'm trying to turn into a morning person, but not so nice when I don't go to bed early enough since it's the weekend. All the work at work isn't quite as bad as I thought it'd be, maybe since I did work from home Monday night. Which is good, since I need to leave a early today and a little early tomorrow. Which also meant I took the El in this morning. Took down the deck umbrellas and put them in the back stairwell. Should have put the cushions in as well. Tracy made stir fry for dinner, watched Dollhouse, last weeks and last season's Epitaph One. Got The Proposal and Transformers from Redbox, and having issues with The Proposal. Annoying.