12:12 PM Tuesday, <October 27>, <2009>
Finally. You know, for all those waiting the 2 years iPhone has been out, and not having an iPhone friendly formatted Daily Dose, you can now read this more easily on the go. Or in the bathroom, or on the train. Of course, how many still read by coming here vs. just subscribing to the RSS feed. Next up is finally updating Memex, which I was hoping to roll out a new Daily Dose skin for, which also has an iPhone friendly skin, and also Musings, not that I'm all that current with that writing space anymore. After that I should crack open XCode for the first time, or maybe look into EC2 and webhosting again. Always projects on the horizon. I didn't bike in to work again today. Maybe tomorrow. Watched a bunch of shows, and I really like the new ones, Modern Family, Cougar Town, and Community. I think Community might be my new favorite of the season so far. Plans for selling some Apple stock hit a snag as it dropped below 200. Also went to bed way too late the last two nights. Another reason why I didn't bike. Definitely try and catch up tonight.