10:21 PM Thursday, <October 29>, <2009>
Way back in May I got a couple NETGEAR WGR614L Open Source Routers for use with the iPhones for controlling whole house audio from the deck for the summer. One of them shorted out, so I sent it back for replacement. On the website the status was returned to warehouse, but not shipped. I finally decided to call and find out the status on Monday and they found the RMA order and shipped it out overnight. Apparently they didn't get that order downloaded or something. Anyway, I won't be getting Netgear stuff anymore. Then again I don't really need to. I probably should have just saved up and gotten one of those dual band Airport Extremes. Picked up mail and dropped off RCN cable box at the old home on the way home, along with a Jewel pit stop. Made a pumpkin pie last night, but wanted to make cookies, but didn't have any butter. My fridge, out of butter. This is why I went grocery shopping today. Since Tracy does most of the grocery shopping, stuff like butter and eggs and ice cream run out.