10:30 PM Wednesday, <November 18>, <2009>
Totally turned my alarm off this morning at 6:15am and didn't wake up until 7. Whoops. A little wet out today, but nothing too bad. Finished up watching Speed Racer. Such a good movie. I realized that it's like a sports movie like Varsity Blues and Summer Catch about being in the moment of play, instead of the business of sports. But it's so good. And to prep for Ninja Assassin I've also started watching the Matrix movies again as well. We finally picked a place for Tracy's birthday dinner on Saturday, and will be trying out graham elliot. Broke down all the shipping boxes from the goods we got last week, so we can walk around again. Started shredding too. That's fun. Oh, another gadget I'm thinking of getting is one of those SATA docks with USB connectivity. Basically I could keep naked drives around to do backups and stuff. Good use of those now currently unused 2x1TB HD's. But maybe I'll actually wait until December, and sneak it into the Christmas shopping. Ugh, not looking forward to that.