3:57 PM Friday, <November 27>, <2009>
Another great Thanksgiving at the Abandos. 2 adult tables, 2 kids tables (of which I was at one). Lots of appetizers, lots of food, and lots of take home. Good times. And a relatively earlier night than usual, which was good only because Tracy and I got home at a decent hour. Great to see all the Walls again. Been too long. Did the iChat thing with Al and Nicole, except this time did it in the library and just shuffled people in and out of there so it was a little quieter, not to mention it's a much faster machine. And today was a nice quiet day at work, not many people on the Brown Line, or at the food court. Probably going with Thanksgiving 2.0: The Leftovers for dinner tonight while Tracy's working. I did catch some episodes of The League, and I'm adding it to my list of shows to watch, a) because it's funny, and b) it's set in Chicago. Maybe we'll get to see Lisa and Ryan and Zoe again before they leave this weekend. Otherwise, no plans. Oh, and congrats to Jess and Julio on the birth of Wolf.