4:37 PM Wednesday, <February 3>, <2010>
I've added pull-ups to my exercise routine, so it's now planks, push-ups and pull-ups. I got one of those Iron Gym Total Upper Body Workout Bar because you don't have to screw anything into any door frames. Works well. And of course I'm sore after not having done pull-ups in who knows how long. It's a nice quick and easy little workout. Also did some additional foot exercises from PT, since my right foot's been acting up again lately. Annoying. But then again I haven't been keeping up on them. Tracy made chicken adobo for dinner last night, pretty good. She had some strawberries from the other day she wanted dipped in chocolate, so we did that too. Watched Scrubs and Better Off Ted. Had a meeting with Jason this morning, and took the Metra in to work from Roselle. Always interesting to see other suburbs. Also had my McRib for the week. Totally excited to get my new camera tomorrow. I can't wait.