7:07 PM Wednesday, <April 21>, <2010
Thinking of implementing a little flag on the website to show when we're headed to the hospital. And/or a a code phrase, like "take the chevy to the levy". But still no action yet. And Apple stock today? Closed at $259. Closer to $300 than not. Crazy. Walked down to get Chipotle for dinner after work tonight. Used the iPhone app to place the order. That was nice and easy, especially since I didn't have to remember Tracy's order. As for the choice between a new computer or an iPad, I'm leaning towards an iPad. But now Tracy won't let me get one before the baby is born because I'd be too distracted by the new toy, instead of the baby. Crazy. Also had my first iPad sighting in public, some guy eating dinner by himself at Melrose Restaurant. Somewhat fitting I guess. Just a little surprising that it's taken this long to see one in public. Only a little because I work from home.