4:06 PM Friday, <January 9>, <2009>
So the whole dream thing? I started thinking about what's changed in the new year, or what I've done differently before bed lately, and I wonder if it's related to taking vitamins before bed. I took one again last night, and I think I had a dream, just not as vivid or memorable as the previous nights. I won't take it tonight, and find out if I can remember my dreams tomorrow, although I should make Tracy find a placebo, and make a blind experiment. That might be tough. Did a couple errands after work yesterday, picked up breakfast and snack food for work. Gonna try the smaller meals spread throughout the day, instead of just 2 big ones. Had some pesto pasta with chicken for dinner, and there's been a What I Like About You marathon on The N which Tracy has been recording, so watched a bit of that. Going full bore on the DVD transcoding, season 9 of Friends, and overnights and daytime in the meantime doing DVD transcodes on the Macbook as well as the Mac mini. Just started going alphabetically. Should be done by June. As for the weekend, headed up to the Russells and E-Town on Sunday, but that's about it.