4:07 PM Monday, <January 12>, <2009>
So vitamins don't seem to cause me to remember my dreams the next morning, at least in my limited tests. No controls. But I should take my vitamins anyway. Haven't had a remember dream in a while. Nothing exciting over the weekend. Lots of couch time. Did some laundry. Watched some TV. Transcoded some DVDs. Still haven't started the giant Friends trancoding of 2009, as I'm rewriting my shell script to automate the process. But in my alphabetical transcoding I'm on The Abyss. I did step outside briefly to shovel the alley behind our building, at least a little bit, so that it's not so hard to get out of our driveway. Still sore from that. Went to mass at 4:30pm on Sunday, and they have a nice choir at that service, more contemporary. Younger crowd, too. Then headed up to the Russells to hang out, and setup their wireless network, and get dinner. Felt very grown up. Also good to see Marla. Oh, and lots of snow over the weekend, and even more tonight. It was pretty fun romping through the drifts on the roof deck.