2:58 PM Wednesday, <April 15>, <2009>
Another update: dad's been untubed, and went on a walk today. So that's good. That's all for now.

Tracy and I didn't need to eat dinner last night, and watched some TV to relax a bit. Watched House, Dollhouse, Samantha Who?, 30 Rock and My Boys. I thought we had missed an episode or two of Grey's Anatomy, but I don't think we did. Getting on the bike again this morning was nice. However, I had that thing again, where my quads hurt walking down the stairs. Odd. Last time I remember it happening was at the old place, again, going down to get the bike. I wonder if it's just residual soreness that spikes after a couple weeks of bike riding. And it's only going down and walking. Going up stairs it feels fine. Anyway, it'll go away in time, just like before. Possibly seeing one of Tracy's cousins and parents tonight.