4:09 PM Thursday, <April 16>, <2009>
No additional updates on dad. He's set to go home from the hospital on Saturday, that's all.

Legs are fine. Ended up going over to Mike's for dinner last night to meet up with Tracy's cousin. It's funny though, I pulled up just as they were coming back with pizza from Gino's East and while I was locking my bike up Tracy rolled up on hers. Impressive timing. But ended up not watching anything on the DVR. Headed out to Goose Island for dinner with the boys. Wondering if there will be any more empty wooden wine boxes to nab at Sam's. Also, my eating schedule is completely off from the long weekend at home. Also we were eating 3 full meals a day, and it's been a while since I've done that. And lunch always got pushed off to the afternoon, which I usually do, but dinner went even later. So I'm readjusting.